A new design for piston compressors D and Q

Continuous innovation for a modern, quiet and efficient design

4 min. of reading
A new design for piston compressors D and Q

A modern design, quiet operation and ease of installation and maintenance are the key features of the new and exclusive design for reciprocating compressors D and Q.


Frascold brings together innovation and attention to detail to create increasingly high-performance and modern compressors featuring a comprehensive study of each element, synonymous with quality. The company's Technical Team has designed a new body for standard and ATEX piston compressors D and Q, driven by their passion for constant innovation.

Un nuovo design per i compressori a pistoni D e Q
Un nuovo design per i compressori a pistoni D e Q
Un nuovo design per i compressori a pistoni D e Q

Improvements made to D and Q piston compressors

The new features offer important advantages in terms of design, flexibility of use and quiet operation. In particular, for both the D and Q sizes, a modern design has been developed featuring an oil sight glass respectively 5 mm and 12 mm lower than previous models to allow reduced oil filling in favor of optimized lubrication and improved overall efficiency.

The focus was also on ensuring easy maintenance for standard and ATEX D size piston compressors, aligning the pressure ports on the same side to ensure simpler and faster maintenance. Moreover, the new design features greater flexibility of use thanks to the liquid injection port that can be ordered upon request and as an option in the compressor delivery, located next to the intake valve. A new geometry has been specially designed for the inner part of the compressor, ensuring greatly reduced vibration.

The new Q size reciprocating compressors in the Standard and ATEX range feature a similarly cutting-edge design, in addition to superior volumetric displacements of 36 and 39 m³/h, making them perfect for use in commercial and industrial contexts, and in heat pumps.


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