CO₂ Refrigerant

A sustainable trend

5 min. of reading
Frascold Sustainability

In 2018 CO2 became the most popular refrigerant on the commercial refrigeration market.

The growing demand for natural refrigerant systems makes CO2 one of the most interesting solutions.

CO2 has several advantages compared to others natural refrigerants. It has a very low GWP, it is not flammable, it is chemically inert and heavier than air.

The cost of CO2 refrigerant is very low and it is widely available on the market.

The use of CO2 is a trend that is constantly growing and we work everyday with passion to develop the best solutions and create innovative new products, software and services.

Our solutions offered for CO2 applications include semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors for use in both subcritical and transcritical conditions, and in single stage, cascade and booster systems.

Everyday we commit ourselves to creating improved and innovative solutions, reducing oil carry-over and vibrations and increasing specific capacity.

Thanks to the excellent balancing of the compressor, we are able to reduce noise impacts.

Beyond the product, Frascold ensures wide operating limits, excellent performance, high safety and exclusive service.

In 2019 we introduced the «Seasonal Calculation», a specific tool designed for the customer’s business. This new tool, developed in steady-state conditions, allows us to calculate the hourly performance of the system over a year. It is possible to choose between different system configurations, define load profiles and select the temperature of many cities in the world.


The range of our SK3 series compressors for subcritical CO2 applications is designed considering the most recent developments of refrigeration technology for industrial and supermarket applications. The SK3 models are ideal for use in booster systems, but also in cascade systems where LT compressors are required. The SK3 models can operate in a wide range of condensing and evaporating temperatures. The high standstill pressure (PSS) allows it to withstand higher ambient temperature when the system is in stand-by or is off for maintenance.

We offer a range of our TK series compressors for transcritical CO2 applications, taking into account the most recent changes in refrigeration and heating technologies.

TK series compressors are designed for CO2 transcritical application, such as heat pumps and medium temperature refrigeration systems, but also booster and cascade systems in combination with SK3 series compressors for CO2 subcritical application.


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