Frascold focuses on the sustainability of its solutions

The range of reciprocating compressors has been extended

2 min. of reading
Frascold reciprocating compressor range extension

Sustainability and innovation start right from the production stage: the extension of the 4-cylinder Q, S and V models combines attention to the environment, maximum performance and versatility.

The world of refrigeration and air conditioning is increasingly focused on ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus, respond to the stringent demands of international regulations. In light of this, the switch from using refrigerants with low environmental impact and, above all, natural fluids, is gradually gaining traction in all sectors: from industrial, process and commercial refrigeration to the comfort sector. From this point of view, Frascold contributes towards helping its customers overcome future challenges through its technological expertise, combined with the consolidated know-how and innovative spirit of its engineers.

Guided by the “less is more” approach, Frascold’s engineers have, in fact, designed even more innovative and sustainable models, starting from the production phase, with the aim of reducing the use of raw materials.

A clear indication of the company’s desire to help fuel the transition to decarbonisation is, therefore, the extension of the family of 4-cylinder semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors in Q, S and V models for a volumetric displacement of up to 123 m³/h for 50 Hz. More specifically, between February and March, the S and V models in standard and ATEX versions were released together with the V two-stage model, while the Q, standard and ATEX models, will be officially presented in October 2022.

Frascold reciprocating compressor range extension
Frascold reciprocating compressor range extension
Frascold reciprocating compressor range extension

Our focus on the environment is combined with maximum performance: these compressors, which are now smaller and lighter, can deal with the volumetric displacement of physically larger solutions, while reducing energy consumption.

All the new models stand out for their high sustainability along the entire value chain. This is guaranteed by their improved design, as well as by the option of choosing natural refrigerants such as hydrocarbons, which have minimal GWP and zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).

In addition to the low noise and high performance that are the hallmark features of all Frascold compressors, these solutions also allow you to create both LT and MT applications with a single model, making them versatile to use with a space-saving design. In addition, the highest respect for the environment is confirmed by the possibility of fitting the Q, S and V models with inverters, which further enhance performance and reduce consumption. Lastly, these products are compatible with Frascold’s patented Reduced Suction Head (RSH) exhaust technology, designed for a more accurate adaptation to different operating conditions, thus prolonging the life cycle and further cutting energy costs.


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