Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety

Frascold donates its compressors to Pane Quotidiano

4 min. of reading
Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety

Frascold continues to support Pane Quotidiano by donating its compressors for the cold rooms of the new logistics office, to guarantee correct food preservation.


Frascold renews its support for the non-profit organization Pane Quotidiano Onlus, donating its compressors to put into operation the cold rooms developed in collaboration with the Aspex a.r.l. company, for the new logistics warehouse located in Settimo Milanese. Having efficient cold rooms is a crucial element for the Association, which needs a high-performance logistics hub to rely on that guarantees correct and safe food preservation.

Pane Quotidiano, daily bread for 125 years

Pane Quotidiano, with a 125-year history of serving the community, is a secular, non-partisan, and non-profit association founded in Milan by some benefactors in 1898. A significant year in the history of the city, marked by the famous riots that occurred between 6 and 9 May, in which workers protested against working conditions and the increase in the price of bread. The fundamental inspiration and name of the association (which translates literally to ‘daily bread’) come from a simple yet profound idea: daily bread should never be missing from anyone’s table.

Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety
Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety
Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety
Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety
Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety
Frascold supports Pane Quotidiano, in the name of food safety

Over the years, the association has grown and evolved, and today it is able to provide a daily food ration to over 3500 people, satisfying their daily needs. Specifically, the assistance involves the distribution of a food package consisting of 400g of bread, 1L of milk, a yoghurt, a packet of pasta with relative sauce and cheeses. Sometimes, single-portion vacuum-packed cured meats, fruit, vegetables, and sweets are also included, for a complete support of the nutritional needs of people in need. This is made possible by the tireless work of more than 150 volunteers and the support of over 200 partner companies of the project.

‘Frascold is a historic supporter of Pane Quotidiano, as it shares its vision and values,’ declared Giuseppe Galli, CEO of Frascold, who concluded, ‘We will continue to weave the thread of solidarity together, because we firmly believe that united efforts can actually make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.’


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