Frascold presents solutions for a sustainable future at ISH

A journey to discover decarbonization

3 min. of reading
Frascold at ISH 2023

On the occasion of the ISH trade fair, scheduled in Frankfurt from 13 to 17 March 2023, Frascold continues its journey in raising awareness on issues concerning climate change, decarbonization and energy efficiency.


Two sectors are mainly involved at ISH: on the one hand the industrial sector, focused on choosing the right natural refrigerant for the development of sustainable applications and, on the other, the air conditioning and heating sector, constantly looking for the latest generation solutions able to overcome the most pressing environmental challenges. Objectives that are not easy to solve, to which all sector technicians are working with determination and energy to propose cutting-edge technologies able to successfully respond to environmental and plant engineering requests, such as safety, ease of use and high performance of use.

Challenges that Frascold has been promoting for some time, responding in a concrete way with numerous solutions, designed ad hoc and ATEX certified, the result of a careful study by the R&D team and presented during ISH 2023 at Hall 8.0, stand F55.

Frascold at ISH 2023

Meeting the challenge of decarbonization in heat production

In the field of climate and energy, Frascold offers the complete series of ATEX certified piston compressors, designed for heat pumps for the industrial and residential sectors. In the latter, semi-hermetic compressors play a fundamental role in responding to the ever-increasing demand for new applications at medium/low temperature, with water temperatures up to 60°C.

In both sectors, semi-hermetic compressors are the best choice in the design of heat pumps and propane chillers with thermal or cooling power from 50 to 200 kW. An entire range of ATEX compressors designed specifically for the development of applications with volumetric flow rates from 4 up to 240 m³/h and electrical powers from 0.5 up to 80 HP. Compressors that can be used for cascade systems or, alternatively, using waste heat as a source to feed the entire system, in favor of unparalleled energy efficiency.


Solutions for environmentally friendly industrial refrigeration

In the industrial and process sectors, such as food and pharmaceuticals, Frascold presents the innovative FVR series screw compressor, also ATEX certified and suitable for use with hydrocarbons. An absolute innovation for this type of application, where the choice of this compact screw compressor translates into high quality, safety and long-term reliability of the entire system.

In medium-small sizes with an eco-friendly look, Frascold encourages the use of ammonia solutions (NH3) in both high and low temperature applications, and proposes the revolutionary Aluminium Series. Semi-hermetic screw compressors with an aluminum motor, fully compatible with the use of Ammonia. Specific technical and design measures make the compressors perfect for the creation of systems from the industrial and process sector, to air conditioning, transport and commercial refrigeration.


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