With Frascold, sustainability goes blue

A new environmentally friendly refrigerant chiller for Frascold’s production plants

5 min. of reading
With Frascold, sustainability goes blue


For Frascold, respect for the environment begins at its headquarters, thanks to the chiller equipped with compressors with magnet motors of its own production, for systems that combine efficiency and a reduced carbon footprint


As its slogan “Blue is Better” says, sustainability goes blue for Frascold. Thanks to its expertise, the company is committed every day to promoting all-round sustainability, starting from its headquarters, its processes, up to its products. Frascold upgrades its plant with a non-climate-changing refrigerant chiller, with a GWP of 7, for the operation of all the calorimeters and benches in the test room.

The solution is part of a series of initiatives and technical improvements promoted by Frascold to reduce its environmental impact, such as the “relamping”, the installation of photovoltaic panels, and of an air-water heat pump. Another one is the test laboratory, the application area of the new chiller created in collaboration with Tecnofreddo, a trusted partner of Frascold. Used for the calorimeters and test benches, the machine is characterized by a cooling capacity of 350kW and flooded evaporators, ensuring superior performance. An advantage further increased by the use of an ATEX certified compressor of the Magnetic series, the MAG5-03, thanks to its wide adjustment range, the IPM motor, as well as variable speed and condensation, for 20% higher energy saving compared to a traditional system. The component, like the entire chiller, is constantly monitored, in order to check its absorption and overall consumption, essential information also for the technical office, which also analyzes its endurance.

With Frascold, sustainability goes blue
With Frascold, sustainability goes blue
With Frascold, sustainability goes blue
With Frascold, sustainability goes blue

This project allows us to field test the flexibility of our compressors in their various applications, certifying their quality. The chiller, located outside, has the purpose of further enhancing the calorimeters and test benches, thanks to which we will be able to carry out additional tests with R290 and CO2” commented Corrado de Gioia-Carabellese, Frascold’s Product Development Specialist, who added, “This new system demonstrates how Frascold is a company projected toward the future and toward continuous improvement, being fully environmentally friendly. Sustainability is indeed one of the central values of the company, promoted in all its activities and in the valuable partnerships, through which we give life to new technologies.


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