Frascold Competence Center is being renovated
Frascold's expertise at your side

Meet the new Competence Center team
The mission is to support customers in every phase of the compressor's life, from selection to after-sales and service! Leading the Competence Center is Marco Bortolussi, who has great experience in the ATEX and CDU fields acquired over the years. He joined the company in the R&D department before moving to technical support as an Application Engineer focusing on the selection and pre-sales phase.
Also part of the team is Tibor Perpenti, After Sales Technical Support Specialist, who led the R&D Laboratory for 5 years. Having graduated in Energy Engineering, he joined Frascold 9 years ago with a thesis on the development of the calorimeter which, today, is used to test and trial our CO2 compressors for transcritical cycles.
Claudio Peraro, who has always worked at Frascold, provides further added value. He joined the company 20 years ago as an intern in the lathe machining department before becoming an After Sales Technical Support Specialist, offering direct assistance both in the office as well as on-site. He also creates targeted training videos which are available under the Careers section and on our YouTube channel.
Completing this team of excellence is Gianbattista Talarico, with deep experience in the development and validation of prototypes. He will provide constant technical support starting from telephone assistance up to the complete management of analyzing support requests.
The new Competence Center works side by side with customers, bringing in-depth know-how and expertise on products, technologies, plants and refrigerants in order to satisfy - with the best performance possible - every design requirement.